The countdown is on!

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Shoes and Phoning It In

This past weekend, my good friend Elizabeth and I stopped by the store Running Revolution in Campbell after a training walk on the Los Gatos Creek Trail. What an educational experience that was! We went through a series of assessments, including running on a treadmill while the clerk guy videotaped our feet/ankles then put it on the screen in slow motion. I learned so much about overpronating, crashing arches, ACL's and IT-bands, and a bunch of other running lingo that makes me sound like I actually know what I'm talking about.

After we completed the assessments, Clerk Guy (sorry for forgetting your name, Clerk Guy. Jeff?) brought out different pairs of shoes to try on. One thing I never really thought of is just how similar choosing the right running shoe is a lot like choosing the right mate. There's the really cute ones that are all wrong for you, ones that fit right but don't look so attractive, the comfortable ones that leave you wondering just how long they'll be comfortable before they start giving you blisters, the ones you sort of settle get the idea. After trying on about a half-dozen pairs, I had got to the point where they all felt the same and I was afraid I was about to drop $100+ on something I was just settling for. I decided to not buy that day, but to take a break and come back another time. What I didn't tell Clerk Guy was that I just bought some Saucony's at DSW for $60 that seemed to fit exactly the same as all those other shoes I was trying. Although not successful in that I didn't buy anything, the trip itself to Running Revolution was extremely educational and helpful. I'll probably go back to talk to them about hydrating gels or some other runner-sounding things.

With new shoes taken care of, I thought I'd be all kinds of motivated to run my best, farthest, fastest, etc. Not so. Running still sucks. My long "runs" over the weekend were walks without any jogging at all. Tonight was my first actual run of any type in nearly a week. And I felt it. I hate settling, but I have a feeling I'm going to be settling on walking a lot for this half marathon. Which is fine. I guess.

I'm trying to find motivation through two weeks worth of "Biggest Loser" episodes. All I can focus on though is how irritating Migdalia is and those stupid product placements ("So I can get this at any Walgreens?").

On a positive note, I am starting Week 5 of training, which means I've reached about 100 miles. When I say it like that it sounds impressive. Nevermind that I got there in 2.5 mile increments...but who's counting. :)

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